Thursday, 25 March 2010

Where have I been?
.....Back in 1890!

My posts have been few and far between recently... things have got a little busy beyond 'The Pumpkin patch'. It hasn't been the garden either! Although we have been busy planting both inside and out.
As you can probably see, I'm not in my usual wellies and gardening gear but in typical 1890 fashion! The whole family have been part of the 'Snowdonia Farmhouse 1890' which will be shown this autumn. We attend the regular Chapel services and get involved in local events, without the hardship of living in the farmhouse on a bleak mountainside in Snowdonia for a month!

Sam, Joshua, Ailsa an Anya and I get ready for chapel!

Wish the boys made this effort for school!!

The Roberts Family and Jonathan, Ailsa and Anya back in 1890 on a windswept Snowdonia footpath! Where was I? Taking the photo using 2010 technology!